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Seawalk Pavilion

A1A Ocean Islands Trail, Florida Scenic Highway, Amelia Island Plantation, Photo courtesy of Amelia Island Conventions and Visitors Bureau

Jax Beach to Fernandina: The A1A Ocean Islands Trail

Along the A1A Ocean Islands Trail Jacksonville’s Beaches | Mayport | Broward House | Kingsley Plantation | Big Talbot | Downtown Fernandina Marlin & Barrel Distillery in Fernandina | The Pétanque Courts of Fernandina | American Beach: Under the Blue Bottle Tree with Marsha Dean Phelts | Amelia Island Culinary Academy | Amelia Island Downtown Tasting Tour | The First Coast’s Only AAA Five Diamond Restaurant: Salt at Ritz-Carlton Amelia

Smokin’! Tobacco Road at the 28th annual Great Atlantic Country Festival

For reasons that defy geography, there are two distinct camps when it comes to describing Florida culture: those who consider it the south and those who don’t.  “It’s definitely southern. Where I live, especially. If you go 20 minutes in any direction, you’re in the boonies,” says Tallahassee-bred singer and

Springing the Blues – 25th Anniversary

For many blues performers and their audiences, the relationship between the musical performance and storytelling is definitive of the genre and central to the blues tradition. These stories are rich in history, building a legacy of perseverance and success from the early days of field hollers and slave spirituals to

Northeast Florida Festivals: Spring 2014

February 27-March 9  There will be a Strawberry Queen, a midway, and diverse live entertainment (rockers from and violinist  show the range of that diversity). Plant City, February 28-March 2   Includes a midway of rides, food, entertainment and more for the whole family. Adults are $5; children 11-17 and

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