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Sadie Akers

The Walls, 5 & Dime Theatre Company, Jacksonville, Florida, Kate McManus and Kat McLeod Raspa

Beautiful Madness: “The Walls” Explores Mental Illness at 5 & Dime Theatre

February 14, 2018
The exploration of female insanity traces a dark path through times when women were often institutionalized for mental illness. Ribbons of tragedy and unimaginable suffering are entwined in their history, but there are also unexpected threads of hope woven into the individual stories. Playwright Lisa Dillman offers a fascinating portrayal of the elusive nature of madness and the resulting separation
ABET, The Robber Bridegroom, Photos by Caryl Butterley

“The Robber Bridegroom” is a Foot-Stomping, Knee-Slapping Hoedown at All Beaches Experimental Theatre

A DUAL CRITICS REVIEW The All Beaches Experimental Theatre (ABET) opened “The Robber Bridegroom” on January 25th, 2019. This high-spirited musical is sponsored by John Johnson and runs through February 10th. The production by is the North Florida premier. The story is based on a 1942 novella by Eudora Welty

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