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Players By The Sea - Page 4

Local Florida Community

5 Reasons Why Brits Love Florida

Around 700,000 British expats live in the U.S., and a huge chunk of that population has chosen to reside in Florida. By the estimates of the British consulate in Orlando, approximately 400,000 British expats are in the state. But what makes Florida so attractive to the Brits? Brit-Friendly Culture A Florida retirement has become somewhat of a tradition in the
Hope McMath, Yellow House, Art, Activism, Jacksonville, Florida

Yellow House: An Intersection of Art, Community, and Social Justice

Hope McMath, a leader in the Jacksonville arts community, has moved on from her post as director at the , to run a new endeavor–Yellow House. Inside Yellow House, just across from the , at first glance, it looks like a gallery, albeit one with storage issues–besides art, the first

“SENTENCES” with characters who attack, spar, confess, regret, and reflect. Don’t miss it.

Players by the Sea in presented the world premier of Drew L Brown’s “Sentences” on June 9, 2017. The play was commissioned by Players under the theatre’s recently initiated program. Drew Brow graduated from in 2014. Of note, he is a Student Academy Award winning writer/director. An early theatrical experience in North

Your Summer Stage Is Set! Theatre Camps

May 9, 2017
Summer is setting the stage for kids of all ages to experience exciting and creative performing arts camps throughout Jacksonville. From the Beaches and beyond, community theaters are opening the doors to young, aspiring thespians, stage hands and playwrights with a diverse offering of opportunities. Stage Door Summer Camp Stage
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