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Keagan Anfuso

The Grey Area, Keagan and Drew Brown, The Grey Area: Local Filmmaker Keagan Anfuso Explores the Masculine Female Perspective

Filmmaker Keagan Anfuso: Definitions of Gender and How that Affects the Life of Masculine Women

The Grey Area: Local Filmmaker Keagan Anfuso and the Masculine Female Perspective Photos by Verance Photography and Geek Chic Photo Keagan Anfuso is more than the sum of what you see. She’s a filmmaker, rock-climbing enthusiast, experience junkie and a consummate talker. She speaks in complex ribbons of thought, layering paragraphs as needed to illustrate a point. She’s passionate about film and dedicated

Diablo Sez: Shows to See in January 2015

EU’s Jack Diablo stays on top of the Jacksonville music scene, so you don’t have to! Jan 10 –  ‘Lobos’ Video Premiere w/ Datadiamond at  Jacksonville’s best (only?) all-girl, all-queer, electronic indie trio are celebrating the release of their new single and music video ‘Lobos’ this month. It’s likely to

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