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John Goodman

Charlize Theron Engulfs the Big Screen in “Atomic Blonde”

Release Date: July 28, 2017 Running Time: 1 hour and 55 minutes Genre: Action-Thriller Rated R for sequences of strong violence, language throughout, and some sexuality/nudity Directed by David Leitch Screenplay by Kurt Johnstad Grade: B+ Truth Lies…People Like Us Don’t Know the Difference Oscar® winner Charlize Theron engulfs the big screen this summer in a mind-blowing performance as an MI6

MOVIE REVIEW: “The Gambler”

Directed By:  Starring:  as James Bennett  as Frank  as Roberta  as Amy Phillips  as Mister Lee  as Dexter  as Lamar Allen  as Neville Baraka What’s wrong with you? You got brain damage? James Bennett, associate literature professor at a New York University, tries to connect with his students to get

Wanda Sykes

Florida Theatre patrons prepare for a Dish called Wanda Where: Florida Theatre

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