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14 Best Things of 2014

The 14 Best Things that Happened in Jacksonville in 2014

Now that it is possible to fully reflect on the year that was 2014 it is safe to say it was the most energized and productive 12 months seen in Jacksonville in decades! EU Jacksonville invites you to be inspired by our listing of the 14 Best Things of 2014. And by all means share your own opinion: if you

What’s Brewing? Oktoberfest

A personal beer mug that displays, in holographic form, the temperature of the beer within its confines, the beer’s alcohol content by volume (ABV), its International Bitterness Units (IBUs), your heart rate, blood pressure, family birthdays and bank account balance–along with the price you are paying for your selected brew.

Jacksonville’s Newest Restaurants

In the last year or two, we’ve had a wave of truly fantastic places opening in Jacksonville. It’s worth celebrating, so we’ve gathered together a list of places you should try, or revisit, if you haven’t already. has hit its stride and quickly become one of  hippest eateries. The cocktails

Slow Food First Coast

Slow Food First Coast Slow Food was founded to slow us all down and make us think about what we eat, versus driving to the nearest fast food venue and continuing to fast-track everything we do in life. The focus on saving disappearing food traditions and showcasing traditional food products

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