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Civil War

BEFORE THE MUSIC DIED: LaVilla – ”The Great Black Way”

“West Ashley Street,” sang the in 1927, was the only place you could “ever lose these awful Jacksonville Blues.” That same year,  recorded a mysterious ragtime blues guitarist named playing “Ashley Street Blues,” with singing, “I’m a heartbroken woman with the Ashley Street Blues.”  recorded another version of “Jacksonville Blues” in 1928. She was “red hot” in Atlanta, she sang,

May Film Reviews

Words by Harry Moore Civil War A near-future United States is engulfed in a civil war after an authoritarian president begins a third term in office in this dystopian cautionary tale from writer-director Alex Garland. “Civil War” focuses on a small team of reporters — composed of a renowned war

Old Arlington: The New Place to Be!

February 6, 2015
Arlington is reinventing itself–it’s on the move. Rooted in history and continuing through the , Arlington development exploded with the opening of the Mathews Bridge in 1953. Miles and miles of riverfront property wrap around the first North-to-East bend of the river from Downtown, heading out to the Atlantic Ocean.

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