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Shawana Brooks

What If Jacksonville Suddenly Woke Up?, Photo by Lance Asper

What If Jacksonville Suddenly Woke Up?

Some say Jacksonville is a diamond that wants to remain coal. What would it be like if Jacksonville were a city that didn’t hate itself… led by people who acknowledged its achievements? Here are a few things that possibly would have happened in New York, Rome, London Paris, Seattle, or San Francisco if the leaders that made them into Great
#whoiskesha, Jax Makerspace, Jacksonville Public Library, photos by Hurley Winkler

Who is Kesha? The Jacksonville Public Library and the Black Female Experience

When she first conceived the idea for the Kesha exhibit, Arts and Culture Developer, Shawana Brooks recalls asking herself, “What would it take to showcase artists that lived here in Jacksonville and resource their abilities back to the community? What would it take to execute creative and collaborative art exhibitions

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