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Al Letson

What If Jacksonville Suddenly Woke Up?, Photo by Lance Asper

What If Jacksonville Suddenly Woke Up?

Some say Jacksonville is a diamond that wants to remain coal. What would it be like if Jacksonville were a city that didn’t hate itself… led by people who acknowledged its achievements? Here are a few things that possibly would have happened in New York, Rome, London Paris, Seattle, or San Francisco if the leaders that made them into Great

TEDxJacksonville 2014

What: Lecture series WHEN: Saturday, Oct 25 (10am-8pm) Location: WJCT Studios, 1 Festival Dr. Contact: This year’s ’s theme explores (un)knowing and the “vastness of potential through conscious questioning of what we think we know.” If you’re interested in learning from your past and moving on, this year’s TEDx

‘The Centre Cannot Hold’ Another Outstanding Performance by Playwright, Poet, Journalist, Actor and Nationally Known Personality Al Letson

A Dual Critics Review On July 5th 2019 the Dual Critics attended an outstanding performance by playwright, poet, journalist, actor and nationally known personality at . He was smartly dressed in a red tee shirt with the letters “get smart” across the front. We won’t even try to list all

Jax Poetry Fest Celebrates National Poetry Month in Downtown Jax for the 4th Year

It’s thought-provoking and inspiring, emotional and raw, connecting us all through the power of the written word. In celebration of National Poetry Month, Hope at Hand presents the 4th Annual Jax Poetry Fest with free community workshops and presentations by a collection of local poets, writers and spoken-word artists in

Al Letson’s Comic Book Super Hero

August 13, 2014
The glossy super heroes reflected in comic book tales’ panels are often exaggerated versions of the heroes walking among us in real life. However, it was real life that inspired  to craft a new kind of super hero, one who pushes back against the same insecurities and body issues we

3×5 Classic Film Fest

March 2, 2014
When developing plans for the inaugural , sponsored by ,  approached the process to select a truly great film. By limiting the workshops, panels and other extraneous activities that often detract from the films at similar events, Luckin wants the films to have the space to speak for themselves. “We

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