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Festivals - Page 4

Wasabi Con

WasabiCon is Wasabi Anime‘s convention for fans of cosplay, anime, gaming and
Art Republic, Dourone x David Petroni

Art Republic’s Two Weeks to Change the World

Art and industry collide as Art Republic 2018, a communal celebration of public art changes the face of downtown Jacksonville again. is known for infusing the city with bold outdoor murals that define an area’s character. Exhibitions, which are curated by industry experts, showcase the top artists in their field
World War II Jets Send a Sky-High Message: GEICO Skytypers to Debut New Flight Demonstration at 2018 NAS Jacksonville Air Show

World War II Jets Send Sky-High Message: GEICO Skytypers to Debut at NAS Jacksonville Air Show

The World-Famous GEICO Skytypers Air Show Team will roar into Jacksonville later this month to wow crowds with an entirely new flight demonstration at the 2018 Air Show (October 27-28). The squadron of aircraft will participate in a full weekend of jaw-dropping exhibitions showcasing both civilian and military aviators. The
MegaCon 2018 in Orlando, Photo by Pamela PJ Fenton

ALL THINGS NERDY: MegaCon in Orlando Delivered Ultimate Fan Experience

Action-Packed Weekend Delivered Ultimate Fan Experience with Jason Momoa, Jeff Goldblum, Elijah Wood, John Cena and more MEGACON™, the Southeast’s largest comics, sci-fi, horror, anime and gaming event, wrapped up the Orlando convention throughout Memorial Day Weekend at the Orange County Convention Center. The four-day multi-genre convention welcomed more than 100,000
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