September Digi Horoscopes

August 29, 2024
3 mins read

Words by Ambar Ramirez and Carmen Macri 



September is your lucky month, Aries. And by that, we mean you will be seeing an influx of cash soon. Whether you find a few hundred in an old jacket pocket or you get a big raise at work, money is coming your way. Mars, Venus and Jupiter will find themselves in your 6th house in mid-September which will kickstart your very green month. 



Don’t worry, Taurus, most things don’t last forever, especially when it comes to the chaos that’s been surrounding you these past couple of weeks. Venus will roll into your zone of well-being and routine, bringing with it a sense of balance and neutrality. Along with Uranus going into retrograde, you’ll be able to actually focus on what’s important to you and do something about it. 



On Sept. 1, Uranus will enter retrograde until January 2025. This backward-spinning planet means you will start to realize what it is you truly need to prioritize — yourself. Just remember, change doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t be so hard on yourself. 



Your wallet has been feeling a bit light and your pockets a bit empty, Cancer, but all of that is about to change. The stars have noticed your money struggle and are lending out a helping hand. With Venus, the planet of love and abundance, making a pit stop in your sector, you’ll be able to rebuild that savings account and still have a little to spend on yourself.



The new moon in early September will have you feeling like the best version of yourself. Like a cat, it seems like you have lived nine lives — and there is nothing wrong with that. Like clockwork, this fall will have you shedding your summer self and taking on a whole new personality with a better outlook on life. The grass is greener where you water it. 



Mercury retrograde hasn’t been very kind toward you, Virgo, and it rarely is. But you’re in luck! This time of self-doubt and insecurity comes to a screeching halt this month and a new chapter of self-confidence and individuality begins. That said, in order to keep the ball rolling on this transformative phase, you’ll need to start putting your needs before others. It’s not your job to make others happy.



Happy Venus return, Libra! With your ruling planet making its way back home into your sign, this month will be all about strengthening relationships, creating a balanced routine and self-care. Just make sure that whatever practices or routines you implement this month, last longer than just these next four weeks. 



With Pluto being your ruling planet, you will feel its return stronger than others. Highlighting your 3rd House — mind and communication — you might find yourself over thinking more than usual. Rather than partaking in your tried and true “closing off and shutting everyone out,” let’s try something new this month. It’s not a weakness to let people in. 



Hate to say this, Sagittarius, but it’s time to unpack and leave behind the vacation state of mind. It’s almost fall afterall and living out of your suitcase isn’t very practical. If you must, take a flight toward what inspires you most. With Mercury spinning its way out of retrograde, you’ll have a clearer vision of your goals and how to achieve them.



Pluto will return to your sign this month, Capricorn, and with that comes facing your insecurities head on. You come across as someone who is so sure of themselves, but deep down you have a heavy need for validation and appreciation. You are worth far more than others’ opinions of you. Use the grounding of Virgo season to keep you from falling into Pluto’s orbit. 



Back in the day, nostalgia was considered a medical ailment and frankly, you’ve got a bad case of it, Aquarius. You’ve had the past couple of months on a mental replay, so much so that you’ve lost a grip on reality. But fear not, it’s not all a complete waste. Sometimes, one needs to take one step backward to get 10 steps forward. Learn from the past and move on: It’s time. 



For someone as fluid as you, Uranus retrograde might be a bit stifling. The need to get up and go may feel a bit overwhelming at times, but you need to hunker down. You cannot run from yourself forever. Start romanticizing your own life — not the made-up version you’ve conjured in your head. 

Creative Director Ambar Ramirez and Lead Journalist Carmen Macri collaborate monthly on the Combined Minds Column, where they delve into trending topics and review local events. Their dynamic teamwork brings a special magic to every story they co-write.

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September Horoscopes

September Digi Horoscopes By Ambar Ramirez and Carmen Macri