Words by Carmen Macri and Ambar Ramirez
It may just feel like you are lying in bed doing absolutely nothing with your life right now, but you can call it going through a stage of introspection. How else should you inner reflect? While walking around? Mercury, the mind planet, entered Leo on July 2 bringing you a long month of self-work.
You’ve had the time to rest in your cocoon, Taurus, and the time to branch out and become the social butterfly you secretly are is here. But emotions are natural. If you start to feel frustrated and overwhelmed around July 15 when Mars and Uranus meet in your sign, focus on finding healthy outlets.
Jupiter continues through your sign all July long causing some emotional conflict, something you are quite used to. Rather than being a ticking time bomb for everyone around you, hop in your car and drive away. Keep driving and don’t look back. Honestly, don’t stop driving. Drive until you run out of gas and then start walking. Again, don’t stop. Keep going until you are so far out of society that you are simply a speck of dust on the radar.
Happy Birthday, Cancer! You’ve made it another year around the sun, and that is a feat of its own deserving of celebration. Over the next couple of weeks, you will feel adventurous and risky. Don’t be afraid to try something new and come out of your shell.
The month will start a bit more subtle than you are used to, being the center of attention and all. It is not until the middle of July that things begin to pick up for you, Leo, when Venus and the Sun enter your sign. And in pure Leo fashion, the spotlight will turn on and everything will be about you!
Have you been feeling a bit stagnant, Virgo? Don’t worry, that will all change this month. When Mars moves into your social 12th house on July 20, it will bring a burst of energy along with it. This burst of energy may propel your professional and personal life forward. But, as always, be careful what you wish for.
You’ve never been one too keen on making decisions, let alone the right decisions. Indecisiveness runs in your blood. Never wanting to settle on anything for fear of something better coming along. A sad life to live, no? The full moon in Capricorn on July 22 will cause you to have a bit of introspection; use it for the better.
Feeling very “woe is me” recently? That is to be expected. The new moon on July 5 has your emotions going haywire. Nothing seems to be going your way and the world is simply out to get you. Work troubles, relationship struggles, the whole nine yards. Maybe just pack up and move to a different city? What’s the worst that can happen?
Time to finally unpack all that deep-rooted trauma, Sagittarius. Both the new and full moon this month will call on you to unlock old forgotten doors – do some spring cleaning – and finally say goodbye. There is no reason to carry that baggage along for the ride; it can’t do good things for your back.
Teamwork makes the dream work, Capricorn, with a huge emphasis on communicating your wants and needs with your partner. How do you assume to run a fine-oiled machine if you expect others to read your mind? You tend to rely on “if you want something done right, do it yourself,” but let others lighten the load for you.
Stop trying to open a new door with an old key, Aquarius. This month is jam-packed with emotions ranging from high-highs to low-lows. Sometimes it’s best to take your hands off the (metaphorical) steering wheel of your life and let the universe guide you to where you’re supposed to be. In short, release control.
July has a lot of potential for you, Pisces. With Jupiter in your domestic sector, you will be in your element. Conversations will feel easier, plans won’t be so hard to make and every meal you cook will turn out better than imagined. Cancer’s new moon on July 5 is a sign of new beginnings for you.
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