Best Local Weirdo: Kerry Speckman
Is it because I’m old enough to get the senior discount at Surterra (you’re welcome for that tip) but still find it hilarious to ask Alexa to make fart sounds? Or could it be my signature hair that’s the same color as a Muppet who happens to be a fairy-in-training? (Shout out to Pat Cole at Total Hair Experience for creating and tending to my magical tresses!) Perhaps it’s my obsession with bankers boxes and selfies or that I’m related to a serial killer (only a true weirdo would even admit that). Or is it because I openly talk about things most people would keep to themselves, like anxiety, bipolar disorder and IBS? (Update on the chiggers: All gone.) I guess it doesn’t really matter why my fellow Jacksonvillians voted me “Best Local Weirdo” or, to be honest, what anyone thinks of me in the first place (another tell-tale sign of a weirdo). What I do know is I love being me and if that’s weird, then so be it. At least I’m “best” at something. –Kerry Speckman
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