Full of Holiday ‘Spirit’

November 1, 2022
2 mins read

Words by Molly Britt

A rated list of holiday boozy drinks for those fun adults at the party (and maybe a mocktail or two for those who say no to alcohol)

Apple Cider Mimosa 

5/5 stars (can also be made as a mocktail)


  • Dip the rim of your champagne glass (or plastic glasses for you “oops” types) into gold sprinkles or a spice of your choice (think cinnamon, not thyme)


  • Fill your glass halfway with apple cider (we won’t tell if you pour a little less; we like our mimosas like we like our stockings on Christmas Day … full of the fun stuff)


  • Top off your drink with champagne (aka the fun stuff) or non-alcoholic bubbles for those in need of a mocktail.


  • Garnish your drink with an apple slice and ENJOY THE BEST FALL BRUNCH DRINK


Harvest Punch 

5/5 stars (can also be made as a mocktail)


  • In a punch bowl, add plenty of ice. Pour in half a gallon of apple cider, one bottle of prosecco, a cup of vodka and two 12-ounce cans of ginger beer. (If this looks like a little too much alcohol, sub alcohol-free bubbles for the prosecco (I’d use the holiday flavored Sprite) and take out the vodka … if you must.


  • After mixing, add in sliced apples and oranges (as many as you like – the more fruit, the healthier I can say it is) and some cinnamon sticks. If you choose to rim your glass, you can use an orange slice and dip the rim into cinnamon sugar…it makes it feel fancier even if you’re sitting alone at home watching The Haunted Mansion for the thirteenth time.


Pumpkin Pie Martini 

  • Using a cocktail shaker, combine two shots of vanilla flavored vodka (God, this is already giving me nightmares), one cup of Pumpkin Pie Cream Liquor (it is getting really sweet in here, and some ice.


  • Pour into your martini glasses, topping with whipped cream and garnishing with a cinnamon stick.

I wouldn’t recommend a mocktail version of this, considering it is mainly alcohol … idk buy them a pumpkin spice frappuccino or something.

Blackberry Prosecco Spritzer 

5/5 stars (why would you want this as a mocktail???)


  • Add a quarter cup of blackberries into a glass then mash them up (whether you use a fancy muddler or just take a hammer to them is up to you). Add some mint leaves and work them a bit into the mix.


  • Pour in ½- 1 ounce of simple syrup and 2 ounces of gin and stir.


  • Add ice, 2 ounces of prosecco and 1 ounce of club soda.


  • Stir slowly and drink to your heart’s content.

This can be made as a mocktail; just replace the prosecco with kids’ champagne – you know the stuff that Welches makes that you drink on NYE until you’re sick to your stomach – 86 the gin and boom … there you go, a tasty juice.


Cranberry Orange Mocktail 

5/5 stars (this one’s for the fancy kids…)


  • Add 3 cups of chilled cranberry juice and chilled orange juice and stir.

  • Add in a 2-liter bottle of Cranberry Sprite Zero (those kids have had enough sugar) and stir. 
  • Pour over cups of ice and enjoy the sound of content children. 

As always, all alcoholic drinks mentioned are for those of us 21 and over. Please drink responsibly and enjoy your holidays. And if you make these a little early, before the holiday parties start … I won’t judge.

Molly Britt is a multimedia journalist with Folio Weekly, as well as an account executive. As a Jax Beach local and University of North Florida graduate, she is familiar with all things Duval and Northeast Florida. She enjoys investigative journalism and interviews, using her platform to educate and inform the local community with her words. While at Folio, Britt has enjoyed interviews with the likes of Robby Takac of the Goo Goo Dolls and local small businesses such as Femme Fire Books.

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