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December Mail

December 2, 2024
Activate. Revitalize. Transform. These aspirations have guided the conversation on Downtown Jacksonville for the last 20 years. During that time, many have tried to answer the core questions needed to actualize this vision: How can we build more apartments?  What restaurants will attract the most people? What programs can make them stay? The City, Downtown Vision, Build Up Downtown, [insert

Folio Soapbox

Do you ever have something you’re itching to say but you’re too afraid to do so? Scared you’ll get canceled over the candid conversations you have in the privacy of your own home or mind? Is there a secret that you need to let go to finally feel released? Well,

2023 Films in Review

November 30, 2023
Words by Harry Moore When it comes to film, 2023 will likely be remembered as a year marred with strikes and big-budget bombs. Hollywood has begun to reckon with an existential crisis that has been brewing since Silicon Valley came to town with streaming hobbling theaters and proving to not
Bouqs & Bricks

Bouquets and Brickbats

November 30, 2023
Brick To Specialized Towing who does vehicle repossessions for a variety of banks and lenders in Jacksonville. According to several families who contacted us, the company has been extremely delayed — sometimes up to a month — in allowing individuals to retrieve personal items from their vehicles including wallets, purses,

The Specktator

November 1, 2023
Words by Kerry Speckman Shout out to River City Pride and anyone and everyone who make Pride Month such a beautiful success. A personal highlight was seeing Mayor Donna Deegan serve as grand marshal of the Pride parade. It should be a requirement for all future mayors. If you thought

The Specktator

September 29, 2023
Words by Kerry Speckman One of my all-time favorite nuggets of Jax trivia is that it’s the birthplace — and final resting place — of actress Alice Nunn. Never heard of her? Well, if you missed her as Passenger with Dog in “Airport 75,” Lady With Wallet in “Petticoat

The Rise of the Awkward Interview

September 25, 2023
Words by Su Ertekin-Taner At 13, I watched my words, spoke quietly and re-evaluated my interactions. Because awkward silences and missed social cues were a warrant for social death, I preemptively planned conversations and decisive reactions. Authenticity was vulnerability, and I attempted to adapt. What choice did I have?

Combined Minds 

With Carmen Macri and Ambar Ramirez The girls discuss last year’s word of the year and their predictions for this year’s Carmen: It has come to our attention that Webster’s word of the year in 2022 was “gaslight.” Now, I don’t know about you, but I think that

Weird Wild Stuff 

September 21, 2023
Words by Shelton Hull Is summer over yet? Not until Sept. 23, according to the calendar, but the difference is purely academic here in Florida, where even Santa Claus wears shorts. The craziness of our news stories has tempered a bit, maybe because it’s too hot to go outside,

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