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Orange Park

Landscape of Guitar: Visual Art with an Intricate Soundscape Creates Multidimensional Reality

Joy, happiness, bliss, sound, and love. Those are the brushstrokes used by the creators of the Landscape of Guitar to paint the fully immersive multimedia experience layering visual art with an intricate soundscape. Revered among the top nuevo-flamenco groups in the world, award-winning singer-songwriters Bruce and Julie Hecksel, known professionally

Saved by the Smallest of Them All: Orange Park Community Theater Delights Crowds with Seussical the Musical

Theater-goers packed Orange Park Community Theater on Sunday, September 16th for a rousing rendition of Seussical the Musical, the first production of the theater’s 49th season. Whimsical and entertaining, Seussical inspired a heartfelt standing ovation and lifted the spirits of young and old alike. Directed by , the musical runs
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