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SOUTHERN FRIED FUNERAL Antics at the Alhambra

The Alhambra Theatre launches into 2025 with the fast-paced comedy, SOUTHERN FRIED FUNERAL, one of two plays by writing duo Osborne and Eppler. Set in Mississippi, SOUTHERN FRIED FUNERAL’s action takes place over several days in August in the home of Dorothy Frye (Peg Pachal), who has just lost her husband, Dewey.  Dorothy is faced with dealing with funeral arrangements

Make Room for Daddy

Dude Dad Debuts in Duuuval Words by Shelton Hull  Whereas social media was once the ugly duckling of the communications world, platforms like YouTube and TikTok have now become the most reliable indicators of social trends, and the primary means by which stars are made today, particularly in regard

Laughter isn’t foreign to THE FOREIGNER

November 12, 2024
It’s Betty Meek’s Fishing Lodge Resort in Rural Georgia.  The racist local building inspector, Owen Musser (Alan Morton), has cited the lodge for the brickwork needing replacement, and if Betty (Kelley Norman) can’t afford to fix it, she’ll have to sell cheap.  It’s a familiar setting for local theatergoers with

Impact Players

October 30, 2024
Words by Shelton Hull and Photos by Ambar Ramirez   From its earliest days, Jacksonville has been known for its ability to attract young people of great potential, across a wide range of fields. But just as crucial to our collective brand is the massive array of talent that we’ve exported,

Combined Minds 

September 20, 2024
The girls talk seasonal TV shows and movies Words by Carmen Macri and Ambar Ramirez Carmen: It seems like common knowledge that certain movies and TV shows just feel better during certain times of the year. Take Harry Potter, for instance. Name one sociopath who chooses to watch
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