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Pandemic could put Jaguars’ traditions on ‘timeout’

September 24, 2020
Lindsey Nolen Remember the basketball game HORSE? Well, on Thursday nights during the National Football League regular season the Jacksonville Jaguars’ offensive line comes together for their own version of the game, “CAT.” They’ve also been known to play a game of Rock Band or two. This is because on Thursdays after practice, Center Brandon Linder typically hosts the OL

Talking Tall

August 4, 2020
Susan Armstrong Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels has starred in so many local videos that some folks call them “The Sheriff’s Reality Show.”  Daniels is running for re-election, so his intended audience for the voluminous videos is typically Clay County residents and the 6 and 11 0’clock news.   But on

The City Destroyable

August 4, 2020
John Aloszka In an ill-advised move to position Jacksonville as the bland new city of the south, the Curry administration adopted the slogan It’s Easier Here. I don’t need to tell you why that’s a horrible slogan—you are reading Folio, which means you are a functioning human.  Some cities adopt

No Decline? Then stay online.

August 4, 2020
Lindsey Nolen What started as a small Facebook group comprised of parents worried about the implications of reopening schools during the coronavirus pandemic has become a collective voice of opposition. With more than 3,100 members, the Duval Schools Pandemic Solutions Team has been able to consistently share information and updates,

Baking it Through a Pandemic

July 30, 2020
Lindsey Nolen One year ago, Jen and Ray Ezenbacher decided to turn their favorite late night snack into a Jacksonville Beach small business, having never anticipated the challenges coming their way. Despite dealing with a global pandemic, the couple credits devotion to improvement and a supportive local community as to

Love in the Time of COVID-19

July 29, 2020
Isa Barrientos  Coronavirus arrived through air and lungs in early 2020. Since then, we’ve cut out most nonessential interaction with strangers and loved ones. Even with loosened restrictions in Florida, many of us choose to stay home and social distance to protect ourselves, our friends and our families. Romance is

From Both Sides Now

July 29, 2020
John Delaney New to Twitter, while quarantined some weeks back, I posted something I thought was neutral and clever: That both Trump and Biden would do better if they simply stopped talking and campaigning. Trump, because nearly everything he says seems divisive, either intentionally or ignorantly. Biden, because he has a

Dear Dumbs, Column 1

July 28, 2020
Terry and Shari Jaymes Dear Dumbs,             My husband suddenly passed a few years ago to cancer. I loved this man completely. I have since met a new wonderful guy who just asked me to marry him. However, something strange happened during the proposal. I had never stopped wearing my

Will the Budget Backfire?

July 20, 2020
Isa Barrientos Lenny Curry proposed his budget for 2020-2021 to the Jacksonville City Council Wednesday morning. Balancing a colossal public health crisis and high tension in race and policing, local legislators had much to take into account in crafting this year’s budget. Despite revenue cuts due to the novel coronavirus,

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