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Weird Wild Stuff

weird wild stuff

Weird Wild Stuff: July 2024

Words by Shelton Hull You know, every month the inclination runs toward loading the column up entirely with stories from Florida, which is always possible. Heck, you could assign one intern strictly to peruse police blotters across our 67 counties and probably write a full column almost every day, such is our neighbors’ gift for shenanigans. But there’s just too
weird wild stuff

Weird Wild Stuff: June 2024

Words by Shelton Hull  We’ll start this column with an update on the cicadas swarming our nation with Brood XIX running wild through the Southeast and Brood XIII moving northwest. As if that’s not weird enough, apparently some of these cicadas are literal zombies, thanks to a new fungal infection

Weird Wild Stuff

Words by Shelton Hull The late great gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson

Weird Wild Stuff

January 18, 2024
Words by Shelton Hull  2024 is here, and so is this column, and year No. 3 begins now. This column is being written on Jan. 4, and you might think that’s hardly enough time to find enough fresh hell to fill this space. But oh, no, it’s like the man

Weird Wild Stuff

December 26, 2023
Words by Shelton Hull   Well, 2023 is almost over, and we have seen all kinds of weirdness this year. We have a Democrat as mayor of Jacksonville and a football team that’s actually good (despite the incessant fickleness of sports media, who are still getting used to it), both

Weird Wild Stuff

November 15, 2023
Words by Shelton Hull Here’s some breaking news: Men are vain. You may know that already, if you’re a Carly Simon fan or just a woman in general, but this is extreme. “GQ,” which has been at the forefront of masculine culture for decades, recently ran an article about

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