Best Character: BeBe Deluxe We KNOW this diva, and we love her. BeBe Deluxe has become a Jacksonville legend, and it’s easy to see why — she’s absolutely iconic. Whether you’ve caught her in the Glitterbomb Show, cheered her on during her unforgettable drag performances at The Walrus or laughed along with her brilliant online content, she’s a true original. There’s no one more deserving of the title Best Character
Best Drag Queen: BeBe Deluxe What’s that? BeBe Deluxe won ANOTHER category? That’s a common theme here. Why? Because she is incredible – you’ll get sick of us saying that, I’m sure. What more can we say about this queen? She’s the best of the best and the proof is in the pudding.
Best LQBTQIA+ Activist: BeBe Deluxe *DJ Khaled voice* Another one. BeBe Deluxe is back with yet another win! Should we just give her the title “Queen of Jacksonville”? Seems fitting. On a serious note – BeBe Deluxe has done remarkable work in Jacksonville within the LQBTQIA+ community, and we applaud her for it.
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