Dear Dumbs,

November 22, 2024
1 min read

Dear Dumbs,

I have been divorced from my husband for 15 years now. Our divorce was mostly my fault. I cheated on him. He didn’t deserve it, but you know how the story goes. I had a co-worker who was sweet on me, and when the moment presented itself, we did it. It wasn’t a one-time thing. We met up quite a few times over a six-month period.

After my husband found out he filed for divorce and remarried almost two years later. We have a child together so we remain cordial and are in a good place.

My question is … I really want him back. I know he still has feelings for me, but he has no clue how I feel about him. Should I tell him?

Rachael W.

Atlantic Beach



TERRY: Haven’t you wrecked enough lives, Rachael?

SHARI: Don’t hold back, Terry.

TERRY: You can’t tell me that this email has anything in it that makes Rachael look good.

SHARI: Well, she accepts all the blame. That’s a good quality.

TERRY: And then doubled down on the homewrecking.

SHARI: Hey, I tried, Rachael. But Terry is right. What the hell are you thinking?

TERRY: Getting a divorce was just part of what you deserved. Another part is you having to watch him be happy.

SHARI: So let him be happy. Don’t muck things up. Be grateful that you guys are kind to one another and maybe play the long game.

TERRY: The long game?

SHARI: Yes. Keep your mouth shut and if they ever break up you can tell him then.

TERRY: I’ll go with that. But it’s not going to happen. Just accept and own what you did. It sounds like you have. But don’t ruin any more lives. You have an opportunity here to be a one- time offender. Keep it that way.

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