Jacksonville Ghosts Boos and Booze Haunted Pub Crawl

September 30, 2024
1 min read

Words by Teresa Spencer

This fun spooky pub crawl tour was just what my friend and I needed to change things up at a few of our favorite watering holes at the beach, especially while enjoying some liquid courage so we weren’t terrified when hearing all about the most historic haunts and ghostly hotspots. 

The tour kicks off at the Seawalk Pavilion where you learn about the mysterious lady in red.  Then you hit Hoptinger Bier Garden for a drink pit stop. Next is a stop at Jacksonville Pier which is known to be extremely haunted by a man who was murdered there. Casa Marina Hotel and Restaurant is the next walk and stop. There’s a lot of ghost stories to tell about that place. (I once stayed there for a few days, and they weren’t kidding about it being seriously haunted.  Furniture moved during my experience and some scary voices were in play too.)  I loved the stories I learned about the place as they don’t talk about it much at the front desk when you are a guest, of course. 

Then the tour takes you to the Ritz Longe for a nice little drink and wiggle if you prefer followed by a stop at Latham Plaza.  I don’t want to share all of the stories as it would take away from this fun little adventure that will certainly give you a few thrills and definitely some chills.  

For more information, check out usghostadventures.com/jacksonville.

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