Ain’t No Party Like a Hurricane Party 

August 1, 2024
2 mins read
infrared image of Hurricane Irma in the Bahamas. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

Words by Taylor Brown

As hurricane season approaches, it’s time for friends and family to come together, share laughter, stock the booze and prepare for the storm — both with supplies and a sense of community.

A familiar ritual unfolds when a hurricane is heading toward the coast: grocery store frenzies, gas stations running dry, alcohol sales spiking and hurricane parties beginning to commence. Living in a culture dedicated to productivity, a storm can cause schools and businesses to close, giving a rare chance to disconnect from busy lives and connect with neighbors and loved ones. 

Hurricane parties are a tradition that dates back to before World War II and reflect a coping mechanism in the face of nature’s chaos. Back then, residents could not evacuate, and prohibition had just fallen. Drinking became normalized, and these gatherings even influenced storms to be labeled by the amount of liquor predicted to be consumed: one-quart, two-quart or three-quart storms. Today, despite the “Florida Man” headlines and the state’s perceived criticism, these social occasions continue to foster a sense of community and positivity in the uncertainty of a storm. 

Those who have not experienced life on the coast during the peak months of August through October may only see the aftermath of a hurricane’s destruction and frown upon hosting a party during a tropical cyclone event. Hurricane parties are not a solution to these storms but are a way to cope with the chaos of the crisis, to satisfy that need to feel calm, stay positive and maintain a sense of comfort in the face of fear.

If this season you find yourself forced to bunker down amid a tropical ruin and need a plan of action to shelter your neighbors, here are a few tips for hosting or attending a safe and enjoyable Hurricane Party:

Safety First:

  • Board windows, secure doors, and clear the yard of furniture, grills and bikes.
  • Designate an interior room to stay away from windows and doors.
  • Stay indoors and avoid going outside.
  • Ensure all attendees are prepared to stay in place as long as necessary.
  • Monitor the news for emergency information and have an evacuation plan if needed.

Power Preparedness:

  • Keep phones charged to stay updated.
  • Have candles and flashlights ready.
  • Utilize coolers filled with ice.

Food and Water:

  • Stock non-perishable food like bread, peanut butter, crackers, chips, granola bars, cookies and trail mix.
  • Ensure you have plenty of water stored; FEMA recommends at least one gallon per person per day.
  • Fill reusable water bottles or mason jars to place in the freezer for extra cooling if the power goes out.


  • BYOB (bring your own booze) is a common courtesy. Consider making a themed drink like the Hurricane cocktail, traditionally made with rum and passion fruit syrup, or adding ingredients like orange juice, grenadine and lime juice. Beer, wine and seltzers are also easy to store.


  • Prepare games that do not require electricity like Uno, Cards Against Humanity and Monopoly to keep everyone entertained.

 The “Hurricane Party” label is to be taken light-heartedly, it is an offering of a safe place to pass the time while riding out a storm. These gatherings are not to undermine advice from officials nor put individuals in harm’s way. If you have the safety and precautions to indulge in these social occasions, do so responsibly. In the depredations of hurricanes this season, appreciate the moments bound by community that ease anxiety. Be present with those you surround yourself with, enjoy the halt on everyday responsibilities, and most importantly, stay prepared and stay safe.

I am a student at University of North Florida studying Communication in Advertising and Marketing. This summer I have taken the opportunity to intern with Folio Weekly as their Account Executive. I have a passion for creativity and my favorite hobby is traveling the world. I love creating visual representations of my adventures through photography and videography. I hope that in the future, through my studies and experiences, I can have a career that combines my talents and interests to market a business on a global scale.

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