The Specktator

April 1, 2024
2 mins read

===== Whether it’s a contestant from Jacksonville on “American Idol” (is that thing still on?) or comedian Katt Williams’ riffing on Washington Heights and Eureka Gardens in a Netflix special, I love when our fair city gets randomly mentioned on a TV show (good or bad), probably because I feel like half of the country still doesn’t even know Jacksonville exists … which brings me to one of the greatest Jacksonville pop culture references of all time. (It’s a couple months old, but give me a break; I don’t have cable.)

The show: “The Oval,” a presidential drama about the country’s first interracial first family. The scene: First Lady Victoria Franklin (Kron Moore) is about to be served tea from the hired help. The comment: “She fought me. Yes, she came in here like a ghetto bitch from Duuuval County.”

OK, which one of you hurt Tyler Perry? 







===== Comedy fans have two more ways to enjoy stand-up these days — and possibly see the next big comic in the process. Murray Hill Theatre’s Clean Comedy Series is exactly what it sounds like, comedy that’s fun (and appropriate) for the whole family. In addition to touring comedians like Henry Cho, who kicked off the series earlier this year, local comics also perform.

And then there’s Don’t Tell Comedy. While it’s been around for over than a year, the secret is just now getting out with more shows being scheduled in more parts of town. The concept is simple (and brilliant): a secret line up of up to six comics (local and passers-through that aren’t revealed until they take the stage … performing at a location not revealed until the day of the event! And the locations … let’s just say they’re unique. (The show I went to was at an ax throwing bar.) Check it out for yourself April 19 somewhere in Avondale and May 18 and June 7 somewhere in Murray Hill. (Even if I knew where, I wouldn’t tell you.)
















===== It’s a great month if you love Jacksonville sports. The Sharks, Icemen, Jumbo Shrimp and brand spanking new Jacksonville 95ers (one of the newest teams in the The Basketball League or TBL) all play this month. And if you don’t love sports, no harm, no foul (that’s a sports joke, folks), there are plenty of other things to do this month … if you haven’t already noticed.








===== When you’re driving around Riverside, Avondale or Springfield, do you ever wonder about the homes (or mansions, as the case may be), what they look like inside and who lives there? Well, here’s your chance to take a peek — without fear of arrest. Riverside Avondale Preservation’s 50th annual Home Tour takes place April 13 and 14 while SPAR’s 45th annual happens April 27 and 28. But please, no snooping in the medicine cabinets.







===== And finally, St. Augustine has a new museum. That’s right kids, Anastasia Mosquito Control District finally opened the doors to its Disease Vector Education Center and Science Museum. According to “Jacksonville Today,” it’s the only one of its kind in the country (shocking!). Is anyone else itching to visit?

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