Miracle on 34th Street: The Musical focuses on a man named Kris Kringle, who claims to be Santa Claus (Pete Clapsis), and his interactions young Susan Walker (Kat DeCicco) and her mother, Doris (Sarah Middough). Doris works for Macy’s and hires the kindly Kris as the store’s Santa. At Macy’s young Susan is befriended by Fred Gailey (Matt Johnson), simultaneously flirts and spars with her mother over her hard-edge view of the world, inspired by a bitter divorce. All four of these principals are solid in their roles.
The remaining cast members seamlessly juggle anywhere from two to four roles, some with very quick costume changes. Of particular note were Thaddeus Walker (Ensemble/Mr. Sawyer/Tammany O’Halloran) who tended to steal scenes with his comedic portrayals, Joshua Abbott (Ensemble/Alvin/Clerk/Mailman) who is a very talented dancer, and the youth ensemble (Delia Doyle, Everly Doyle, Emma Decker, and Keegan Patrick Carroll) who were so cute the audience was melting during “Big Ca-Lown Balloons”.
There would be no Miracle if Kris Kringle weren’t put on trial for sanity. After all, Santa isn’t real… Or is he? And of course, it’s Fred’s first case as an attorney, and he wins the case for Santa and gets the girl!
When Miracle on 34th Street: The Musical premiered on Broadway, it received mixed reviews. Understandable, because this musical by Meredith Willson — who also wrote The Music Man — is a mix of delightful and dull moments, with some scenes jolted by songs that don’t quite fit together as smoothly as the non-musical version. The marching beat of “76 Trombones” can be heard in the opening tune, and “She Hadda Go Back” has the feel of “Ya Got Trouble”.
Miracle on 34th Street: The Musical is at the Alhambra Theatre, 12000 Beach Blvd., November 16-December 24, 2023, and is the last show of the their 2023 season. Ticket prices vary based on show and seating. For reservations and a look at the treats in store for next year, go to alhambrajax.com or call (904) 641-1212.
By Cessy Newmon
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