Nothing says “America!” more than failures in gun control, a tanking economy, record high inflation, further marginalizing already marginalized groups and taking bodily autonomy away from the majority of the United States population? (Yes, according to the U.S. Census over 50% of Americans have vaginas. Sorry, Chad. Your dry spell isn’t due to a lack of opportunities, but more a lack of interest.)
This Fourth of July, rather than celebrating whatever it is we are supposed to, let’s all gather and celebrate the fact that the United States is the first country to time travel! And all it took was the swipe of a pen. Fifty years of slow progress? *POOF* Gone.
As most of you are aware, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The removal of the 1973 landmark ruling that constitutionalized a woman’s right to have an abortion, now leaves it up to the states to decide for themselves and making abortions illegal immediately in 13 states with likely more to follow. This ruling will disproportionately impact people of color.
Just one day prior to this ruling, the Supreme Court ruled the concealed carry of a firearm is protected under the Constitution and isn’t up for state by state decisions. Guns having more freedom than people with vaginas? Now that’s the America I know.
But, do not worry, my fellow men. Your rights and bodily autonomy are still intact as long as you are not a person of color, liberal, homeless, have a “wo” in front of your “man,” are incarcerated or have a vagina.
So, let us celebrate by setting off some fireworks manufactured in China and raising our non-biodegradable red Solo cups: Here’s to the country with the most potential continually disappointing the people. Here! Here!
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