“I’m all about brotherhood and standing for what’s right, but that applies to those who actually uphold the law,” says Deputy Craigmyle, star of LIVE PD.
According to the deputy, no one should have to wait “for the facts,” and there is nothing that can justify Floyd’s death. He was handcuffed, lying face down on the ground, pleading for his life and the offi cers did nothing, Craigmyle explained. The experienced deputy believes that the acting officer in the Floyd case let his anger control his emotions, while the other officers stood by idly without rendering aid or stopping the officer. “We cannot allow this to happen,” Craigmyle said.
“Our job as officers is to obtain the facts and present those facts to the judge, [as] we are not the judge or jury. George Floyd did not deserve to die; he was pleading for his life.” Craigmyle continued by stating that all officers must adhere to an oath to protect everyone and defend the constitution. He believes that offi cers have to stand up and hold the “corrupt” offi cers accountable. “If you don’t [hold these officers accountable], you’re a part of the problem and need to find a different job,” Craigmyle said.
“We must be civil about this and work together to fix the issue.” Working together to address the issues of both racial injustice and police brutality begin with three simple notions: accountability, justice, and reform. Further, the element of awareness, and realizing that not all officers would have acted in the same manner as the ones responsible for Floyd’s death, is essential. “Whenever you have a doctor that has a malpractice, the world doesn’t go after all of the doctors out there. [These malpractice cases are] not highly scrutinized and not highly-publicized because they don’t have cameras inside the operating rooms, but malpractice happens all the time,” Craigmyle explained. “I will not put George Floyd on a pedestal, but I will condemn [the offi cer who killed him] and any other offi cer who does anything like that.”
In terms of a solution, the deputy believes that getting law enforcement leaders, mayors, commissioners, governors and senators on board with creating laws to hold “bad apples” accountable is the answer. Craigmyle emphasized that laws with swift penalties are necessary, and that voting the right leaders into office is a must to make sure justice is swiftly obtained. Ultimately, Craigmyle believes justice shouldn’t be prolonged – especially if the evidence is on camera.
Aside from wrongful deaths, and in explaining and justifying the need for officers in deterring major crimes, Craigmyle shared that he feels the biggest threat to law enforcement professionals today are the officers who do not choose to “step up” and “do what is right whenever it needs to be done.” In addition to the officers who make poor judgement calls or take excessive action, Craigmyle worries that parents aren’t doing enough to discipline their children and teach them wrong from right.
“Parents are failing their children. They are so afraid of the judicial system to discipline their children. Honoring your mother and father and teaching your children right from wrong.” He believes reform starts in the home, and if parents would discipline their children it would prevent negative outcomes resulting from law enforcement encounters later. Craigmyle shared his understanding that bad parenting can make someone more likely to engage in criminal activities as an adult, whether as a civilian or as a law enforcement offi cer. Yet, whatever the reason for each fatal police encounter, proper investigation should reveal who was at fault and reveal if the proper police protocols were followed.
Craigmyle concluded that, in the Floyd case specifi cally, that the officers committed murder and must be punished according to the law. As for the Black Lives Matter supporters and protestors across the country, Craigmyle expressed his belief that any and all violent and destructive behavior should not be accepted either. “I don’t have any issue with protesting, [only with] the rioting where they are going around looting and stealing. Intentionally burning a place isn’t helping anybody,” Craigmyle said. “I understand that we need to talk. We need to raise awareness on racism and try to come to a common ground, but that’s going to start at the voting booths.”
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