Tidy Your House With Garage Drip Mats & DIY Organizers This Year

January 14, 2020
3 mins read
Tidy Your House With Garage Drip Mats & DIY Organizers This Year

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The garage is a room of the house that we use all the time, yet don’t often attempt to keep in order.

Because of this a lot of the dirt, mud & debris that we try to keep out of the house is often brought inside due to poor preparation – meaning everything else gets dirty in the process!

We thought it important to share how a bit of forward-thinking in the garage can ensure that all dirt remains there – leaving the rest of your house as clean as can be.

Let’s get started!

Why Should You Invest In A Garage Drip Mat?

Garage drip mats can often be one of those underrated household items, like a hosepipe organizer or key holder. But, once purchased and used correctly, you might wonder how you ever lived without it.

Coming in various shapes and sizes, a garage drip mat should be large enough to drive over and park your car on top of. They often have containment edges, meaning that any liquid or wetness you’ve collected while on the road will conveniently fall and be trapped in the mat.

You can say goodbye to stepping out into a large puddle of mud or sludge, those days are long gone!

Drip mats are handy all year round: in winter, you’ll be safe from snow, mud and road sludge. In the summer, any trips to the lake (or beach) won’t end in trapped water ruining your garage floor.

Tidy Your House With Garage Drip Mats & DIY Organizers This Year

3 Problems A Drip Mat Solves

Simplifies Cleaning

With a mat rolled out in your garage, you won’t have to worry about how you are going to clean up the mess you’ve just made changing the sump or deep cleaning your rims and wheels.  Irrespective of what you do on them, there are first-class mats around that are extremely easy to clean. Using a simple mop and a little detergent and hot water will usually prove enough to lift away the grime and dirt and even paint or light oil spills.

Protects & Prevents Slippage

A quality garage mat will easily withstand some serious abuse over the years but one of its greatest advantages how effectively it protects against slipping. A concern anytime, but during the winter months with all that snow and water around it’s only a matter of time before there’s an accident when water is left to collect in dark oily pools.

Keep Your House Clean

If you’ve worked in a concrete garage, you know the keeping the floor stain-free and clean is a challenge. It seems to create dust and grit and a stain stay wet and tacky for ages when a liquid gets soaks into it. It’s almost impossible not to have the mess tracking into your house. A garage floor mat traps excess water and any tiny grime particles, such as tiny paint chips, wood or sand and keeps them until you sweep up.

Tidy Your House With Garage Drip Mats & DIY Organizers This Year

What About DIY Organizers?

On the topic of keeping the house clean – and tidy – let’s briefly get into DIY shelving and organizers.

Garage shelving can be tricky to get right, because every household has different needs in a garage. Some might have big cars or smaller sportier ones, or use their garages for woodwork while others use it for storage. Often, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

DIY shelving is catching on because it can address a range of needs you might have just taken for granted that you couldn’t solve.

Let’s consider a few:

Wooden crates to store muddy shoes

Do you walk outside often or enjoy activities in nature? A couple of old wooden crates stacked on top of each other make the perfect hide away for muddy shoes and boots.

Couple this with a few coat hooks on the wall and you’ve got a perfect dress-down station after an outdoor adventure.

Plywood ceiling shelving

It’s only natural to store and stack things on the floor – but what about above it?

A couple of really simple hanging shelves – think: upside down tables – make the perfect hideaway for boxes that store cables, old toys and all sorts of bits and bobs.

Bungee cords for sports balls

The problem with sports balls is they can roll just about anywhere, and that’s not good in a garage! With a small 2 x 4 foot space, you can make some light wooden brackets with a few bungee cords running down them to easily hold a sports ball that isn’t being kicked around!

Stackable recycling crates

Everyone knows that recycling is important and something that should be done.

However, storing all those recyclable goods can be a pain at times! If you can find some small storage bins, it’s really useful to build a leaning wooden holder that stacks the bins vertically. This way, you won’t have to worry about them being in the way or those items always falling out of them.

We hope that you’ll be able to use some of these ideas to keep your garage and home tidier, neater and cleaner. Hopefully, with a little pre-planning, you can save yourself some work by keeping the dirt where it belongs – outside!

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