Angolan Colobus Monkey Born at the Zoo

June 3, 2016
1 min read
photo: Lynde Nunn

Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens (JZG) is thrilled to announce the birth of an Angolan colobus monkey on Friday, May 27. The infant is the first for mother, Moshi, and sixth for father, Andy. While there have been Guereza colobus born at JZG, this is the first time an Angolan colobus has been born at the Zoo.

Angolan colobus monkeys, native to the dense rainforest of the Congo, have a black coat and face with a mantle of long white hair and a white tip on their tails. Colobus newborns, however, are born solid white and the coat gradually turns to adult colors during the first six months of life.

An interesting aspect of Angolan colobus family dynamics is that females of the group co-mother infants. Moshi is getting help from her older sister Mkia who is an experienced mother and often seen holding and grooming the babe. Moshi and the infant are both doing well and are often observed nursing and napping together. The family is easily visible from the African boardwalk where they are housed across form the lions. They share their habitat with four ring-tailed lemurs and one black and white ruffed lemur.

The gender of the newborn has not been determined as Moshi is being an excellent mother and has not yet given her care staff an opportunity to assess. Standard practice is to avoid intervention or disruption of mother-infant bonding. Gender and name will be announced soon.

photo: James Ekstrom
photo: James Ekstrom

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