BOUQUETS TO SREENIKETH VOGOTI On May 26, Vogoti, a student at Fruit Cove Middle School, competed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, where he made it into the top 10 before missing ‘palagonite,’ a word so challenging that not even Spellcheck recognizes it. The 13-year-old will probably always rue misspelling the name of basaltic glass, but he’s done Northeast Florida proud.
BRICKBATS TO JACKSONVILLE SHERIFF’S OFFICE In the days following the fatal shooting of unarmed Vernell Bing Jr., JSO has maintained its thick blue line by being the picture of evasive “explaining” the incident that City Councilman Reggie Gaffney has called for an independent investigation into. And here we thought they worked for the public, not against it.
BOUQUETS TO MARYANN BARCARO When a friend from Global Capital Relief told her that he wished he could deliver to Nassau County but just didn’t have the time, Barcaro volunteered to regularly drive to Jacksonville to pick up food and deliver it to people in need. Formerly of the DeJohn Sisters musical group, Barcaro, now in her 80s, was disappointed at getting only four calls in her first two days on duty and asked that we include her phone number. Call (904) 556-0190 if you or someone you know in Nassau County is in need.
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