The project @100daysforlgbcuties is the delightful work of Karen Kurycki and Summer Wood that illustrates the folks who have participated in the HRO expansion and discussion. Residing in Duval county has afforded the LGBTQIA community with the challenges of an ongoing and now stagnant HRO conversation. As such, members of the city at large have found numerous avenues to educate, inspire, and combat the disappointing decision issued by Mayor Lenny Curry. There’s a playful and casual affection infused into the@100daysforlgbcuties project that serves to humanize those affected by this contentious HRO with a colorful design and brief biographies. While currently relegated to the sphere of social media, Kurycki and Wood tell us there are plans to showcase the illustrations in a tangible way, whether through a show, poster, or book with the potential to donate proceeds to one of the many organizations seeking to aid the LGBTQIA population.
As seen around the world, the 100 days project seeks to emphasize the process of creativity, rather than the result. By accentuating the population that has been affected by this legislation and the adjoining misinformation that surrounds a minority culture, this project has the capability to promote empathy rather than judgment, as well as introducing vibrant members of our community to a wider population.
The focus of compassion and education writ as a civic engagement puts a positive sheen on an otherwise dreary indictment of the political climate as witnessed at the numerous council meetings and public forums.
With the national conversations about who exactly is allowed in a bathroom, the issue of safety is paramount for the LGBTQIA residents in our own community. “Discrimination exists in Jacksonville,” says Wood, “making it difficult to celebrate queerness. It’s all of our jobs to change that in every possible way. Illustrating these folks may not get our city a fully-inclusive HRO, but we’re hoping it keeps dialogue going on the subject.” The contribution of all cultural backgrounds is essential if we are going to ensure Jacksonville the world class city that it strives to be.
Fortunately, the youth of Duval county are at an advantage to affect change with the help of the Jacksonville Public Library, Girls Rock Jacksonville, JASMYN, and AIGA; all of which provide programming for youth. From AIGA’s mentoring program (co-founded by Karen) that allows young people to address change through design, to Girls Rock Jacksonville that serves to empower positive identity development in girls, trans, and gender nonconforming youth through music experimentation, DIY media, and peer collaboration, the kids will be alright. And we are better for it.
Follow the project via Instagram, @100DaysForLGBcuTies.
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