After Olympus: London Has Fallen

March 4, 2016
2 mins read

Release Date: March 4, 2016

Running Time: 1 hour 39 minutes

Directed by: Babak Najafi

Rated R for strong violence and language throughout

Grade B


 “To those who threaten our freedom, America will rise up. But make no mistake, we will find you and we will destroy you.” ~ Vice President Trumbull

London Has Fallen opens with the U.S. military dropping a bomb on a terrorist in Pakistan.  The scene cuts to President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart) and Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) jogging and joking about the upcoming birth of Mike’s first child.  President Asher gives him a week off to prepare for the arrival of the baby.  Unfortunately, the British prime minister dies under mysterious circumstances and the world’s most powerful leaders must attend his funeral to pay their respects. The Mike receives a call from the President and promises his wife Leah that he will return before the baby is born.  Mike takes additional precautions and changes the President’s route and timeline.  Unfortunately, terror is unleashed as the world leaders are gathering to enter St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.  As the city falls into chaos, Banning and his team lead the terrorists on a car chase back to the location where Marine One is waiting to whisk the President back to Air Force One.  It’s up to Banning to save his commander in chief from a horrible fate when he falls into the hands of a sinister organization.

92076“I will not be executed as propaganda. You don’t let them take me; if it comes to it I want you to kill me. That’s an order.” ~ President Asher

London Has Fallen was a hit with the audience.  The action thriller was mostly filmed in London and is a sequel to Antoine Fuqua’s 2013 Olympus Has Fallen. The film packed a lot of action, suspense and peril in the 99 minutes on the screen.  The film is intense, but with just the right amount of humor and dialogue so the audience is not worn out. I think Butler and Eckhart do a fantastic job portraying the President and his most trusted agent and protector.  The camera work by Ed Wild is superb.   The sequences were stable and easy to watch.  The picture seemed a little dark at times, but I think it is due to the projectors at the theater and not the print itself.  The visual effects team led Ivan Alaykov performed magic making iconic structures such as Westminster Abbey and Houses of Parliament and bridges blow up on screen.  The film is predictable, but takes you on a thrilling journey right to the end.  Audiences will enjoy watching President Asher as a tough guy capable of taking care of himself.  And who does not love Gerard Butler. It is nice to see him in a dramatic action role versus the typical fantasy action film.


London Has Fallen opens the first week of March, between the winter slate and the start of the summer blockbusters. This film is perfect for those looking to be entertained and watch America prevail. ~A.S. MacLeod




Gerard Butler as Mike Banning

Aaron Eckhart as President Benjamin Asher

Morgan Freeman as Vice President Trumbull

Angela Bassett as Lynne Jacobs

Colin Salmon as Chief Hazard

Alon Aboutboul as Aamir Barkawi

Waleed Zuaiter as Kamran Barkawi

Radha Mitchell as Leah Banning

Charlotte Riley as British MI-6 agent Jacquelin Marshall





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