BOUQUETS TO MARCUS JOHNSON, DIALLO SEKOU AND ISHMAEL A. MUHAMMAD Twice over the past month, the three Good Samaritans, working under the banner of The Kemetic Empire/Urban-Geoponics, gathered and delivered a truckload of water to the residents of Flint, Michigan, whose drinking water has been severely contaminated with lead. And you thought the human race was irredeemable!
BRICKBATS TO JORDAN WILSON As UNF’s Spinnaker recently reported, on Jan. 20, former UNF Student Government Vice President Wilson threatened a young woman in an elevator on campus, saying, “The next time you f**k over one of my friends, you better watch out.” The motivation for the threat appears to be the young woman’s October 2015 report of being sexually assaulted by one of Wilson’s friends. Just … no.
BOUQUETS TO RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET In January, RAM started participating in Fresh Access Bucks, a Florida Organic Growers’ (FOG) program, which helps lower-income families access fresh local produce. For every dollar a Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) cardholder spends at participating markets, FOG matches it, up to $20 in one market day. That’s what we call the freshmaker!
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