September 24, 2015
1 min read

A Former Navy Pilot, Historian, Researcher, and Documentary Filmmaker Will Present Their Unique Stories

From cheating death while piloting a supersonic Tomcat fighter aircraft, to celebrating the wild side of Florida, to the controversial history of Florida’s Cross Barge Canal, library visitors will have a wide range of fascinating topics to pick from in this fall’s lineup of author presentations. All events are free and open to the public.

13-08059AUTHOR:     Dave Baranek, “Topgun Days”

WHEN:    Saturday, Oct. 3, 1 p.m.

WHERE: Beaches Branch Library, 600 3rd St., Neptune Beach – 32266

A former instructor at the Navy’s elite Topgun Fighter Weapons School and Hollywood advisory, Baranek will discuss his life as a pilot and provide a behind-the-scenes look at the movie, “Top Gun.” Books will be available for purchase.

51lLKHw3+AL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_AUTHOR:   Steve Noll and Dave Tegeder, “Ditch of Dreams: The Cross Florida Barge

Canal and the Struggle for Florida’s Future”

WHEN:      Saturday, Oct. 24, 1 p.m.

WHERE:   Main Library, 303 Laura St. N. – 32202

Based on the award-winning book, this presentation examines the long and controversial history of the Cross Florida Barge Canal and environmentalist Marjorie Carr’s successful movement to halt the project before completion.


img_1958aAUTHOR:     Bill Belleville, “Celebrating the Wild Side of Florida”

WHEN:      Saturday, Nov. 14, 1:30 p.m.

WHERE:   Main Library, 303 Laura St. N. – 32202

An author and documentary filmmaker specializing in nature, Bill Belleville will celebrate the wild side of Florida and give a compelling presentation about identifying our natural landscapes.

The Jacksonville Public LibraryBill Belleville is committed to making its programs accessible to all persons. If you need special accommodations, please call 630-2665 (TTY 630-1999) at least 72 hours prior to the event.

About the Jacksonville Public Library

The mission of the Jacksonville Public Library is to enrich lives, build community and foster success by bringing people, information and ideas together. Last year, more than 3.5 million visits were made to Jacksonville Public Libraries, items were checked out more than 6.5 million times, and nearly 11,000 programs and services were offered to Duval County residents at the Main Library and 20 branch locations. For more information about the Jacksonville Public Library, call 630-BOOK (2665) or visit jaxpubliclibrary.org.

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