Stetson Kennedy Legacy: The Black Superheroes

July 14, 2015
1 min read



Free and open to the public. 

Escape the Ordinary this summer at the Jacksonville Public Library with author talks, Readers Theater and a documentary screening and discussion!

Final_book-2_resized Final_book-5_resizedJoin Readers Theater cast members as they give life to black superheroes derived from folklorist and Jacksonville author Stetson Kennedy’s Palmetto Country, Library of Congress American ex-slaves archives gathered by the Federal Writer’s Project during the 1930s, and the commemorative comic book, Introducing The Black Superheroes, written and edited by Tangela Floyd and illustrated by Brian Oakley. Kennedy, Library of Congress, and Floyd’s collections include African-American superheroes who used strength, intelligence and endurance to accomplish unexpected results. Directed by Tangela Floyd and Emanuel Washington. This program is brought to you by the Stetson Kennedy Foundation, Young Minds Building Success Charities, and Nokturnal Escape, LLC. Free and open to the public.

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