Adrian Pickett is an artist who works in several different mediums, including charcoal, painting, watercolors, and soon sculpting. Adrian’s paintings seem to come to life, especially his charcoal pieces, which are full of vitality. What motivates Adrian to paint is jazz music. It calms him down and helps him focus while keeping him balanced. Some of his favorite jazz musicians are Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and Najee.
The musical inspiration currently has Pickett working on a signature piece called Jazz Man. However, the influence of jazz doesn’t stop there. He also has a selection of paintings of Miles Davis and currently is working on more pieces with a jazz influence to them.
Adrian Pickett’s work is displayed in multiple venues, including The Ritz Theatre and Museum in an exhibit called Through Our Eyes, a collection of works from African American Artists. Pickett also owns his own art gallery called The Adrian Pickett Jr. Gallery where you can see even more of his work.
Of art, Pickett says, “Painting just comes naturally to me, and it’s relaxing. I just see a certain look or scene in my mind, and I paint what I see. It truly comes from the soul.” This seems to be what jazz and painting both have in common. They both come from the soul and have a natural, easy-going feel that leaves the viewer or listener feeling relaxed. If you would like to see more of Adrian Pickett Jr.’s paintings, you can visit his gallery inside the Jacksonville Landing or The Ritz Theatre and Museum or call 904-300-5754.
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