Last week, we had a conversation amongst the One Spark team on the topic of crowdfunding, Creator rewards, attendee experiences and how far we’ve come since the first year of One Spark. We talked about what a hot topic crowdfunding is worldwide right now. Recently, heavy influencers like Mark Cuban have talked about a tech bubble bursting due to crowdfunding and strong counterpoints came from the likes of one of the nation’s leading voices on startups, Steve Case.
The crowdfunding industry is expected to grow to well over $100 billion (yep, with a “B”) by 2025 between rewards-based and equity-based crowdfunding. There were 22,252 projects successfully funded in 2014 on Kickstarter alone. Rockethub has a partnership with the television network A&E and Indiegogo has more categories than you can count on both sets of fingers and toes. Any industry that’s experiencing this type of rapid growth can easily be noticed by using tools that didn’t exist a decade ago. Google Trends show explosive growth of the term “crowdfunding.”
For the first time ever, our team has spent a lot of time and effort developing an in-person crowdfunding platform that will allow our One Spark Creators to launch their own campaigns, offer rewards for contributions, communicate with contributors about fulfilling rewards, and keep contributors informed about the latest with their Project. These new features will be available for One Spark Creators AND for attendees to contribute to Projects at this year’s festival!
To learn more about how you can interact with One Spark as a true crowdfunding platform this year, visit our blog and let us know what you think on Facebook and Twitter. Next week, you’ll be able to get the One Spark app in-hand. So, if you don’t have one already, be sure to get a One Spark account set up early by clicking here.
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