Riverside Avondale Luminaria + Poster Design by Karen Kurycki

December 8, 2014
1 min read

Mark your calendars: Riverside Avondale’s beloved Luminaria celebration will be here soon! The traditional lighting of the lanterns at sundown will occur Sunday, December 21st. Luminaria is one of our biggest fundraisers and is a wonderful community-building event that celebrates the season.

The history of Riverside Avondale’s Luminaria all began with a devoted community member and RAP supporter, Jerry Spinks. Mr. Spinks was merely looking for a way to help fund raise for Riverside Avondale Preservation during this magical time of year. He thought that he would sell a bundle of luminaries to his neighbors. But to his surprise, he sold out quickly. In fact, he had to go around town gathering more supplies to keep up with the demand. Decades later, the community organically turned this event into a Winter Wonderland. The closing of the streets, light parades, block parties, bike rides, and church festivities have now become a part of this great neighborhood as its annual holiday tradition.

Support RAP by purchasing your Luminaria Kits from Riverside Avondale Preservation. Every sale of a Luminaria kit helps our organization continue its mission of preserving community and quality of life. Click here for list of places selling kits.


Riverside Avondale Preservation's 30th annual Luminaria poster by Karen Kurycki
Riverside Avondale Preservation’s 30th annual Luminaria poster by Karen Kurycki

30th annual Luminaria Poster Design by Karen Kurycki

To commemorate this anniversary, Riverside Avondale Preservation worked with local artist Karen Kurycki to create a special poster.

Only 75 commemorative copies, signed by the artist, are available for purchase. These commemorative posters are $50. You can receive 20% off of your Luminaria Poster framing order from Avondale Artworks.

Pick Up: After placing your order, you will be contacted by RAP to arrange pick up either at RAP headquarters (2623 Herschel Street) or at the temporary office location (St. Vincent’s Hospital).

If you’d like to purchase one of the 75 limited edition posters, order here, all proceeds go to RAP:

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