Movie Review: FURY

October 19, 2014
2 mins read

It’s April 1945 during the middle of World War II. Hitler has recruited every German: soldiers, men, women and children he could find. You are in the middle of war but so far you have been stuck behind a desk typing 60 words a minute for only 8 weeks in the Army.

This is the reality of Norman Ellison (Logan Morgan; Perks of a Wallflower) from desk clerk to assistant driver for Don “Wardaddy” Collier (Brad Pitt). His mission is to keep his team alive and so far he doesn’t like anyone. The other part of the team: Boyd “Bible” Swan (Shia La Beouf) who is very  religious and is always reading and quoting the bible and Trini “Gordo” Garcia (Michael Pena; Gangster Squad) who is the main driver and a little bit of a drunk. He seems to always have a bottle in his hands. Then there is Grady “Coon-Ass” Travis (Jon Bernthal; The Walking Dead) who is Mr. Fix, a country boy with a bad attitude.

As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, the battle-hardened army sergeant Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and her five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon the men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.

The first realization that Norman realizes that he is in war is when he is forced to kill a Nazi soldier. Don gives him a gun and tells him to kill this man. Norman refuses to kill him. Don hits and pushes and yells at Norman that if you don’t kill this man he will kill you. Norman fights but Don overpowers him and holds his hand on the trigger. Yelling at Norman to pull the trigger over and over and then…..

There is this one quote from Don, “This war is going to end, but a lot more people are going to die before it does.” What I love about the director is David Ayer (Training Day, Sabotage and Harsh Times) is able to capture the emotions of the main characters: their wants, their desires and the comedy all covering up their fear of the unknown.

If you like war movies and not afraid of a little blood and gore and enjoy comedy and seeing the real emotions of characters captured on the big screen then this movie is for you. I’m not one who really goes for war movies but this one was one I would watch again. The direction didn’t overdo it, but he was able to capture the fear, the hope and the confusion of the characters and letting the war stand as a background.

I recommend for all of you war movie goers and those who aren’t to go and see FURY. It might surprise you, like it surprised me. In theatres now!

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