July 8, 2014
3 mins read

I just finished reading and dissecting your article in Folio Weekly [Cover Story, “Murder in the River City,” June 18, Derek Kinner]. At first glance, it seems to just be a list of deceased individuals with a little information about how they died. The style of the article lets the reader interpret the “unfiltered” information and draw their own conclusions. I appreciate that you did not interject your personal opinion or conclusions in the brief introduction.

I read the article at least three times while making notes. It seems that most people today do not value or appreciate life very much. Each of the 50 deceased were living human beings who had family and friends who at a minimum cared for them at some point in their life. Only six of the murders were classified as justified — three by individuals and three by police, which represents approximately 12 percent of the cases. [Ed. note: There were four additional cases the police have deemed justified. See our correction on June 25. ] There have been arrests in 21 cases, but it will take time to observe the disposition of these cases, and I seriously doubt most Jacksonville residents will even remember when it’s reported in the news. In 23 cases, there have been no arrests or information provided by JSO, which represents 46 percent of the homicides.
In the majority of these cases, there are no suspects and very little information. I have confidence that the investigators are doing everything possible to find the individual or individuals responsible, but they’re facing an uphill battle.

I was very surprised to see how many individuals were killed by either friends, family or acquaintances over non-life-threatening, petty issues that related to interpersonal relationships. It does make me pause to think about the next family or friends get-together, or any gathering of people I don’t know intimately. I think it’s fair to say that these were just plain stupid and senseless, as you state in your article.

This is a people problem that’s not easily fixed, since we have become apathetic to life and living in general. I hope residents of Jacksonville read your article and give it the consideration it deserves. If they do, then your article will get us moving in the right direction.
Robert E. Davis

Don’t Believe Everything You Read
Thanks for clearing this up for many who thought it was our weatherman [News, “Anatomy of a Screw-Up,” Derek Kinner, June 25]. Just goes to prove, don’t believe everything you read; sometimes it’s just not true.
Nick Deonas

The Big Question
Every week, we post a question on our website and/or Facebook page, and every so often, we post our favorite responses here. This week’s question: What are Jacksonville’s biggest needs that the city should spend money on?

Containing sprawl, making communities walkable and bikeable (maybe go in on a bike-sharing program like many other cities), beefing up public transportation. Basically, things that are important to young professionals and make Jacksonville an attractive and permanent place to live rather than a pit-stop on the way to somewhere better.
Ashley Hietpas

Develop the dang Shipyards; make an entertainment complex down there. The Landing is under-utilized too. Jacksonville could do so much more — and even at the beaches. Get more restaurants on the beach. Develop the big black eye in Jax Beach catty-corner from Sneakers. It’s just a big open field with a fence around it. How has no hotel or restaurant gone in there?
Joel Jess

Making a real Downtown. Affordable apartments and condos, have better incentives to get new businesses to open down there. Stores and restaurants open later than 5 p.m. during the week and open on the weekend. Have the Skyway open on the weekends and try building it to Riverside and the stadiums/arena. Help bring the aquarium and the USS Adams to Downtown Jax; tourism is not a dirty word. Tourism dollars can help with infrastructure costs. WAKE UP, MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL: Let’s make Jacksonville a nicer place to visit.
Dean Phifer

The eradication of crime. Once the crime element is eliminated, then more businesses and people who contribute to society will come. If the crime rates continue to be a problem, people (who contribute positively to society) may start to move to other areas.
Freda Moore

They should definitely spend it all on stadium renovations. Because education is for people who can’t catch a football.
Jesse Henson

Cover up the 3 potholes on Baymeadows that lead in to the Taco Bell. It’s ridiculous.
Yasmina White

The caption for the photo in last week’s Dining Directory incorrectly identified the restaurant. It is The Brick Coffee House in Downtown, not the Brick Restaurant in Avondale. The two businesses are not related. We regret the error.

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