Americans (mostly men) continue to accidentally shoot themselves. Several law enforcement men did: a cop in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in the leg at a bagel shop (December); a former police officer and firearms instructor in Glenwood, Nebraska (January); a sheriff’s deputy, in the leg, defending himself against an aggressive dog in Riverside, California (April); and the police chief in Connersville, Indiana, in the leg (January) — he’d accidentally shot himself 14 years earlier! Some familiar (recurring) incidents: accidental testicle shot (holstering his weapon into his pants, Portland, Oregon, January); a motorist looking to intimidate in a road rager (but shooting his own leg, Orlando, January); a man demonstrating gun safety to his girlfriend by pointing the “unloaded” gun to his head and firing (fatally) (Oakland County, Michigan, February); and the butt shot, while reaching for his wallet at a Home Depot (Brighton, Michigan, December).
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