by Doug Saint Carter
Every American should have some interest in the state of this country’s race relations, and hopefully, how they can be improved.
A local Jacksonville radio station, WJXL AM 1010, online at gives you the opportunity to express opinions every Sunday morning from 9 to 10, mostly concerned with issues between blacks and whites, but not excluding any other ethnic group.
The show’s hosts are two middle-aged men, one white and one black, Eddie and George. They have been friends for several years and have had numerous discussions on race relations, and quite often see things from very different points of view, which was the catalyst this for this show.
I have listened to the show since its inception in February of this year.
Since I have been actively involved in efforts to improve race relations, starting with the Jacksonville Community Council Inc. study, “Beyond the Talk: Improving Race Relations in Northeast Florida,” in October of 2001, and have written and published a book with the focus on the need to Improve race relations, “Drinking From The Cup,” and am in the process of a second book, with the same focus, “Black Americans in the 21st Century,” I feel qualified to review this show from my intended point of view, which is, fairness, understanding, and common sense.
Perhaps the main thing I can point out with this show is the same thing I observe with all discussions on black and white race relations, which is the lack of any focus on improving race relations.
Here we are in the 21st Century and that aspect is never brought up. We can have these discussions until we’re old and gray and in the graveyard and the racial stalemate will continue if we don’t learn to love our brothers and sisters of a different color.
The sad fact of the matter is, whites for the most part, don’t even think there is much of a racial problem today, and blacks for the most part, use negative racial history as a guiding light to the future and have near zero interest in improving race relations. This show offers a perfect example of these observations.
I have been a frequent caller since the show aired. As and older, white man, I feel George represents far too large a part of America’s black population. No matter what the topic, everything is about race to that segment of our population.
George and I have had many on air heated conversations. Of course the show’s hosts have the advantage over me, because they can say, “thanks for the call Doug,” and hang up.
Eddie is much more open-minded and willing to be somewhat flexible in his opinions, but George has shown absolutely no flexibility.
There is a tremendous need for this kind of programming. Unfortunately, most radio programmers are oblivious to this fact. Radio and TV stations across the country should donate air time for a better understanding of the need to improve today’s race relations.
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