by Erin Thursby
GO Lo is an acronym for Locally Owned, Locally Operated businesses. So exactly what constitutes a GO Lo business? They are independent brick-and-mortar businesses of all types (retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters,
dry cleaners, etc.) with a personal stake in the health of our local economy and the vibrancy of Jacksonville’s historic neighborhoods.
Go LO San Marco
We’re encouraging folks to buy local… This month, our Go LO spotlight is on San Marco. …
Go-Lo Murray Hill
Feb 4, 2011 … This month, our Go LO spotlight is on Murray Hill. …
Go-LO Riverside
Mar 6, 2011 … This month, our Go LO spotlight is on Riverside. …
Go Lo Springfield
Go LO Downtown
May 9, 2011 … shopping Downtown
Go LO Avondale
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