Special Showings – November 2010

November 12, 2010
2 mins read

Movies Under the Bridge Don’t miss this year’s final two FREE Saturday Night Movies Under The Bridge at RAM. Arrive early for refreshments & entertainment. The fun begins around 6:30. A variety of refreshments will be available for purchase or you can pack your own. Bring the family for a evening viewing of a film with the backdrop of the Jacksonville skyline along the riverfront. Chairs and blankets are welcome. Nov 6 – HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON and Nov 13 – THE NEVERENDING STORY. Riverside Arts Market, www.riversideartsmarket.com

Nov 13 Monthly Meeting Of The Leave ‘Em Laughing Tent Jacksonville’s chapter of The International Laurel & Hardy Appreciation Society (a/k/a Sons of the Desert) will screen the following films at the free monthly meeting; the silent Laurel & Hardy short From Soup to Nuts, the sound Laurel & Hardy shorts Unaccustomed as We Are (1929, their first talkie) and Below Zero (1930). 4 to 5:30 pm. Pablo Creek Branch Library, 246-0312, http://leaveemlaughing.moviefever.com

Nov 18 Movies At Main Film Series Enjoy free showings of the movies you love each month in the Main Library’s Hicks Auditorium. at 5:45 pm. This month THE DEFIANT ONES Two escaped convicts chained together, white and black, must learn to get along in order to elude capture. http://jpl.coj.net/progs/main/movies-at-main.html

The 300-seat World Golf Hall of Fame IMAX Theater is the largest in northeast Florida at 6 stories high and 80 feet wide with 12,000 watts of power. Now playing: DOLPHINS & WHALES, DINOSAURS ALIVE, OCEAN WONDERLAND, HUBBLE, SEA MONSTERS and coming Nov 19, HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. For show times and to purchase tickets, please visit www.worldgolfimax.com or call (904) 940-4133. IMAX at the World Golf Hall of Fame, One World Golf Place in St. Augustine.

5 Points Theatre The 2010 Jacksonville Film Festival may be over but that doesn’t mean you can’t find some great films to watch this month. The 5 Points has some very interesting selections. Nov 1-4 HOWL Starring James Franco in a career-defining performance as Allen Ginsberg, Howl is the story of how the young poet’s seminal work broke down societal barriers in the face of an infamous public obscenity trial. In his famously confessional style, Ginsberg – poet, counter-culture icon, and chronicler of the Beat Generation – recounts the road trips, love affairs, and search for personal liberation that led to Howl, the most timeless work of his career. Nov 5-18 NOWHERE BOY Imagine… John Lennon’s childhood. Liverpool 1955: a smart and troubled fifteen year-old is hungry for experience. In a family full of secrets, two incredible women clash over John: Mimi, the buttoned-up Aunt who raised him, and Julia, the prodigal mother. Yearning for a normal family, John escapes into the new and exciting world of rock n’ roll where his fledgling genius finds a kindred spirit in the teenage Paul McCartney. Just as John begins his new life, tragedy strikes. But a resilient young man finds his voice – and an icon explodes into the world. Nov 11 BOB MARLEY: UP CLOSE & PERSONAL This film tells the fascinating, inspirational and heart-wrenching story of legendary reggae superstar Bob Marley, his extraordinary life and revolutionary music. Rebel Music is the definitive, official Bob Marley documentary as told by those who knew him best. Following the film will be a lively Q&A discussion led by well known music journalist Vivien Goldman (author of acclaimed Marley bio The Book of Exodus). Vivien Goldman is one of the premier experts on Bob Marley, not just because she has carefully studied his music, but also because she was there! Nov 12-14 IP MAN The award winning film adaptation about the life of Ip Man, the grand master of the Wing Chun style of kung fu and master of legendary kung fu superstar Bruce Lee. Nov 19-30 THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNET’S NEST The third and final film in the Millenium trilogy that started with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. 5 Points Theatre, 359-0047.

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