JUNE special movie showings

June 10, 2010
2 mins read

Moonlight Movies at Jacksonville Beach The City of Jacksonville Beach presents summer Moonlight Movies. This is the 9th year of the popular series and for the first time fans helped select the films to be shown. Movies begin at 9 pm at the Sea Walk Pavilion. Plan to arrive early for the best seats in the house. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy an evening under the stars. Vendors will offer pizza, hot dogs, sandwiches, Italian ice, ice cream, cookies, popcorn and beverages. June 4- THE BOURNE IDENTITY and June 11- THE MUMMY. Sea Walk Pavilion, www.jacksonvillebeach.org, 247- 6100 ext. 3.
Movies at Main Film Series Enjoy free showings of the movies you love on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 5:45 pm in the Main Library’s Hicks Auditorium. June 10- THE GRADUATE and June 24- MARY POPPINS. www.jpl.coj.net/progs/main/movies-at-main.html
June 12 Monthly meeting of the Leave ‘em Laughing Tent Laurel & Hardy films to be screened at this meeting Chickens Come Home (1930), Come Clean (1931), Them Thar Hills (1934), and Tit for Tat (1935). Pablo Creek Branch Library, 13295 Beach Blvd. (between Kernan and Hodges Blvds.), 4 to 5:30 pm. Info: Steve Bailey, 246-0312, leaveemlaughing.moviefever.com
Movies at 5 Points Theatre
June 1- 3 BABIES A look at one year in the life of four babies from around the world, from Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo.
June 4 and 6 FULL METAL JACKET Fri, June 4 at 11 pm and Sun, June 6 at 3 pm. Rated R.
June 4- 17 HARRY BROWN Every man has a breaking point. An elderly ex-serviceman and widower looks to avenge his best friend’s murder by doling out his own form of justice. Starring Michael Caine. Rated R
June 19 ASTRO ZOMBIES M3 CLONED Come celebrate the work of Ted V. Mikels with his newest release to date. This is a special Florida premiere. A large portion of the film was filmed in our neighboring city of Daytona. This is a once in a life time opportunity to see a great and rare treat on the big screen. 7 & 9 pm.
June 20 BLOOD INTO WINE Maynard James Keenan, one of rock’s most enigmatic personalities, is having the time of his life these days not only as leader of the hydra-headed project Puscifer but also as a winemaker. As Blood Into Wine makes clear, the 45-year-old Mr. Keenan isn’t a musical celebrity who lent his name to a product. He gets down into the soil to plant and destem vines and pick grapes. He’s learned oenology with painstaking deliberation. 4 & 7 pm.
June 21 THIRD DOWN & FOREVER A Jacksonville art teacher attempts a new career in professional football in this new documentary premiering at the Five Points Theatre. Wannabe filmmaker Jason Tetlak asked himself “With one year of intensive training, how far could the average American male actually get on a quest to play professional football?” Despite never having played a down in his life, Jason declares himself an NFL prospect. Along the way, he enlists the help of trainers, high school teams, high profile agents, former pros, and sadistic friends whose ideas for toughening him up seem to involve pummeling him at random and unexpected times. This film is a lighthearted peek into the serious business of professional athletics, and features appearances by David Garrard, Rashean Mathis, Chad Ocho Cinco, Joe Flacco, Doug Flutie, Snoop Dogg and P Diddy. 6:30 pm at the 5 Points Theatre, 359-0047. www.5pointstheatre.com
2010 Jacksovnille 48 Hour Film Project
The 48 Hour Film Project comes to Jacksonville on the weekend of June 18th. Filmmakers from all over the Jacksonville area will compete to see who can make the best short film in only, you guessed it, 48 hours. The winning film will go up against films from around the world. Kickoff is Friday, June 18, 6-7 pm at The Jacksonville Landing and drop-off at the same location on Sunday, June 20, 6-8:30 pm. Films will be premiered on June 22, 23, and 24 from 6 to 10:30 pm at the Florida Theatre. On June 14 Cinemania: Film Pros Workshop, Tips For Making A Winning 48 Hour Film will give participants in the 48 Hour Film Project ideas on how to make a better film. Past winning 48 Hour Film Project directors, writers, actors, producers, editors, and crew members have been invited to share their knowledge. The panel will be moderated by Mac McDonald, producer of Jacksonville’s 48 Hour Film Project. Workshop is 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the 5 Points Theatre. Admission is free. Doors open at 6 pm. For more info go to: www.48hourfilm.com/jacksonville.

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