by Jack Diablo
Artist: After the Bomb, Baby!
Label: Self released
Release Date: November 11, 2009
As prophesied in October’s Artist Spotlight, After the Bomb, Baby!’s EP has been released. It’s sure to blow minds and speakerboxes from Baldwin to Neptune Beach and beyond. The four songs are but a mere sampling of the post-apocalyptic electro-funk the Strasser brothers have become synonymous with.
Although the real fun inherent in ATBB! is the live show, this EP contains some of their more notable “hits.” Perhaps their most recognizable song ‘Corpsegrinder’ starts off the madness with Taylor’s nasal vocals wailing ridiculous lines hardly appropriate for print. Follow up ‘Crystal City’ combines synths and brass punctuated by Ryan’s sleezy over-sexed unhh’s and lyrics such as “I’ll do a cannonball in your face.” Fade into ‘Grind of the Apocalypse,’ a psychedelic eighties jam somewhat reminiscent of ‘Mr. Roboto.’ The EP ends with ‘Guitars of the Apocalypse,’ a riot of a song that provides the most accurate sense of After the Bomb, Baby!’s energy and the only track to feature live drums.
This EP is but a taste of Jacksonville’s ever-evolving synth-masters. Recorded by John Citrone, it features only four of the now seven members of the band’s current incarnation. It can be purchased on CD at any ATBB! show and is also available for download if you know the right people. If you didn’t catch these guys play at MOCA during the November Art Walk, you missed one hell of a parade and a show that many unsuspecting patrons will be talking about for months to come. They play fairly often around Jacksonville so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to see the spectacle they create for yourself. Just don’t take it too seriously or you might get an aneurism.
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