by ora “tre” brasel
Artist: Penny For Your Thought
Release Date: May, 2009
The first album from Penny for Your Thought, Your Dreams For Sale, provides listeners with a superb presentation of exquisitely crisp vocals, nicely structured rhythms and an extremely engaging rock and roll experience for all of your senses. Throughout the entire album there is a very nice combination of songs ranging from calm, melodic trips to extremely intense adventures of sound that almost turn you upside down. One of the most impressive points of the entire album is the dynamic range of vocal ability from their lead singer, Swisher. Even when his lyrics are screamed his words still stand out and are easily understood. On each and every track the guitar work from Brad Nastee and JimE fit onto the vocals like a glove. Not to be left out and standing firmly at the foundation of everything is the rhythm section provided by Greg (bass) and Brewer (drums) who give a solid shape that refuses to let any song on the album crumble.
As a whole this band shows great talent with every song on this debut, and seem quite capable of gathering a multitude of listeners with all that they offer up. Songs such ‘We Are The Dead,’ ‘God Once Drown the World,’ ‘Leave The Light On,’ ‘Tonight, Drinks On You!’ and ‘Cavalla Street’ are just some of the moments on this album that really grab your attention to make you stand up and say “Hell yeah!” It seems unlikely that these guys won’t be turning quite a few heads in the very near future.
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