by Rick Grant
Thirty years ago I witnessed a pioneer of punk, Stevie Ray Stiletto debut his punk rock band at a strange club called Manapaders before the word “punk” was widely used. Ray was on the forefront of a new rock genre and movement.
At this red-neck beer joint, there was a curtain in front of the stage. Suddenly, the curtain dropped and the Ray began smashing TVs and singing in what became known as the sneering punk style. It was theater of the absurd and I got it. It was pure angst driven power chords and chaos. It rearranged my DNA. And, I liked it.
Thirty years later, Ray Stiletto has recorded 27 albums of music–mostly alt-rock and punk, but Ray is an accomplished songwriter who plays intelligently written hooky ballads. Ray continues to be a stalwart independent singer-songwriter who has relentlessly toured to become a nationwide punk legend. Ray continues to tour and promote his work.
In April 2007, Stevie Ray Stiletto performed its final concert at Jacksonville’s Doozer’s Pub. Filmmaker, Kevin Dunn and David Young shot the performance. A year prior to that concert, Dunn had been working on a Stevie Ray Stiletto documentary film, “My Life is Great: The Stevie Ray Stiletto Story.”
This full-length movie DVD includes a one hour bonus disc of footage and a slide show. It covers the band’s history from 1983 to present day. The film will premiere in Jacksonville at the historic 5 Points Theater on Friday, October 9th at 7:00 and 9:30 pm for one night only.
Saturday, Oct. 10th there will be a DVD release party of the film and an all day concert starting a noon, featuring ten acts at Yesterdays Social Club on Park and Dancy Streets in Avondale. Stevie Ray Stiletto headlines at midnight. Stevie Ray merchandise will be for sale all night.
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