In June the Beaches Museum & History Center started a new program called “Friday 5’O’Clock Whistle Talks.” This program brings authors, artist, noted personalities and other creative souls together. Every Friday from 5 – 6:30 pm you can hear their stories and experiences. Relax and enjoy complimentary refreshments and stimulating conversations with others. Guests are invited to come, listen, learn and share. Each week a new topic will be introduced. Donations are graciously accepted. The Beaches Museum & History Center is located at 380 Pablo Ave, Jacksonville Beach. For more information call 241-5657 or
July 10
Grahl Barkoskie Neitz, author, “Cabbageberries, Duck Feathers & The Tides”
July 17
John Oberheu, author, “The Manatee That Flew”
July 24
Cynthia Enuton “Angelina in a Furcoat”
July 31
Bill Reynolds, author and publisher, “Jetty Man Series”
August 7
Eileen Erikson, author, “Kamille’s Birthday Circus”
Karen Putzke, author, “Midnight Cow”
Lara Lombardo, Illustrator
(a portion of proceeds goes to Autism Foundation)
August 14
Larry Levy, author, “Harry the Hungry Frog”
August 21
Connie Martin, author, “Florida Ghosts & Pirates”
August 28
Vic DiGenti, author, “Windrusher”
Bill Kerr, author, “Mark of the Devil”
Sept. 18
Mary Kohnke, author, “Murder in Ponte Vedra”
Sept. 25
Bill West, author, “Blue Texas”
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