by Deborah Thibault
My girlfriends and I were in need of a night out, what better way for us to accomplish this than to go to see Girls Night: The Musical at FCCJ’s Wilson Center. We had a blast. We sang, we danced, and we laughed so much until it hurt!!!
Adorned in a wispy heavenly white gown, complete with wings, Sharon (Renee Colvert) did an excellent job guiding us through this comic story. She plays an angel who left her four dysfunctional friends in charge of her daughter. And what a mixture of friends she had; Carol (Renee Colvert) the party animal, Anita (Justine Hall) who always boldly speaks her mind, kooky Liza (Yvette Monique Clark) and somewhat boring Kate (Laurie Gardner) the seemingly always trusted designated driver. They all reunite (angel included) for a zany evening romp singing karaoke. Every character was funny and believable. We all could see ourselves as someone in the cast. I would have to say that Kate was our absolute favorite, dressed as a conservative school teacher with a wild side busting at the seams to get out.
The music was outstanding under the direction of Joseph Thalken and included a variety of great songs that made everybody in the theatre move. And Anita, what a voice, she took our breath away.
The evening seemed to end way too soon, we left wanting more. It was a show that left us talking about it to all our friends. What a great way for us to have our Girl’s Night Out!!!!!
Written by Louise Roche and directed by Jack Randle, Girls Night: The Musical will be at FCCJ’s Wilson Center at the Beach Blvd. campus through May 31. For more information call (904) 632-3373.
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